
Mastering the matrix

  • Dato:
    02. feb. 2022
  • Hvor:
  • Tid:
    14:00 - 15:00
  • Medlemspris:
  • Påmeldingsfrist
    Påmelding avsluttet.
Very little of the work we get done is accomplished through the resources and expertise within our own area, function, location, or team. The complexity of our products and organizations requires "working across" to get decisions made and work done.


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This webinar frames the requirements and provides specific ideas on doing this effectively and efficiently. It will be held in English.

- Understand the what, why and how of working cross-functionally
- Provide a framework for diagnosing and addressing challenges in cross-functional work
- Identify one shift in behavior or mindset that will enable you to work cross-functionally with more ease

Since 2004, Susan Finerty has led a consulting practice focused on helping people “work across” and break down siloes in complex organizations, so that they can influence and get decisions made. She and her team offer solutions for individuals, teams and organizations in the form of coaching, consulting, assessments, workshops, keynotes and e-learning.

About the speaker:

Susan Finerty

Prior to founding her consultancy, Susan Finerty held positions in Human Resources and Organization Development for Baxter Healthcare, Boots Pharmaceuticals (now part of Abbvie) and Fujisawa Pharmaceutical (now Astellas).

Susan has held adjunct faculty roles at Northwestern University and currently teaches three topics (Influence Without Authority, Leadership Context, and Transition to General Management) at University Wisconsin-Madison School of Business Center for Executive and Professional Development.

She has a BA from Central Michigan University and an MA from Indiana University.

  • Dato:
    02. feb. 2022
  • Hvor:
  • Tid:
    14:00 - 15:00
  • Medlemspris:
  • Påmeldingsfrist
    Påmelding avsluttet.