EAPM Newsletter: The impact of digitalization
"There is some good news, and some less good news." EAPM (European Association for People Management) publiserte fredag sitt nyhetsbrev for desember.
Fredag - 15. desember 2017
HR Norge og EY sin HR undersøkelse 2017 fikk et tosiders oppslag, som fokuserte på undersøkelsens fire trender og respondentenes syn på dem.
"The four trends:
- Job and task automation
- Flexible and global workforce
- Changes in demographics
- Data analytics
The good news is that HR sees these trends as relevant now – meaning that this has not passed us by. The less good news is that many companies in the Nordic region do not really have their plans ready, and their ability to exploit and profit from these trends are somewhat lower than might have been hoped.", skriver Henrik Øhrn.
Les hele artikkelen her: The impact of digitalization: The 2017 Nordic HR-study by Henrik Øhrn, HR Norge